Contact with an author?


Forum Islander
Feb 28, 2023
Island Coins
It is not a hidden fact that I like the book "Sex God" by Daniel Rose. While I was reading the book for the first time, I thought about reaching out to the author to get more insight on the book. I couldn't do it then because I had limited time. Have you ever contacted an author because of their book that you read?
My daughter got to talk with her favorite author at her school. Lucky girl. The only famous person I've met is The Big Show at a wrestling match that I went to with a friend.
I wrote a fan letter to J.K. Rowling when I was 11 years old, and I was waiting for the fifth Harry Potter book to come out. She sent back a reply - which wasn't very long, but I very much appreciated it, and I still have it on my pinboard now :) .
My sister is an author :D Okay, she's not a big author, but she's published.

To answer the OP, no, I've never felt comfortable contacting an author before. Maybe now that I'm older and have the internet and anonymity, it could be appealing some day.
I feel like a lot of people overthink this and while some may be bothered by the mail, the positive feedback goes a long way in making anyone's day better. E.G. tagging @The Hulk in this post might annoy him slightly, but pointing out that Adventure Ads is doing well and is a great community should improve his day. If you are an honest fan, give them a write and it will likely either never be read or be a positive impact on their life.

Many people forget that it is often the negative people that like to write to authors and creators, so you may be underthinking how impactful your positive letter can be.
While I have never contacted an author or other famous person, I can see what @Uncrowned Guard is saying & it makes sense! Just like for kids. The ones who do wrong get the most attention. We tend to berate more than praise. Well, really, there's no excuse for berating another. Agree to Disagree but that's it.

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