Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code


Forum Islander
Dec 12, 2024
Island Coins
I'm sure I read somewhere not too long ago that Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" is the book most often donated to charity shops and second-hand bookstores. I'm sure the same article mentioned something about it being the most printed non-religious book in history.

So, I thought it'd be fun to ask - how many have read the Da VInci code? If you have read it, did you move onto reading any of Dan Brown's other books in the same series afterwards?

I personally read the book a fair few years ago as a teenager, and went through a stage for a while afterwards of reading everything written by Dan Brown, I found him to be a great, highly entertaining author, even if the Da Vinci Code series did absolutely infuriate me because it seemed to have no natural end - but hey!

I'm very interested to read others thoughts on the books :)
I read the book and then went on to watch the movie. Well, this is not my favorite genre in books or movies bit I certainly enjoyed reading Da Vinci Code. I have not read Angels and Demons but watched the movie and it was enjoyable.

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