Do you help random people?


Forum Islander
Mar 3, 2023
Island Coins
Helping some people randomly is something that I do every now and then. I usually get approached by some people to help pay their bus ticket for them and once I have more cash on me, I always help them out.

Do you normally help random people that you don't know?
I'll help random people by offering to carry things out to the car for them, or if they order food I'll offer to help them carry it to their table. I think those little things can show that humanity does indeed care for one another. If we can make the life of a person a little easier by doing one thing, it can make the rest of their day easier and maybe they'll do one nice thing for someone and pay it forward?
If I am able to help someone out at the time when they are in need of help, I will do so without hesitation. Sometimes there will be times when I am unable to and it often leaves me feeling guilty but knowing that I would if I had the means to do so usually helps.