Do you like Ready to eat meals?


Dec 8, 2024
Island Coins
There are different brands in the world that are providing ready to eat meals and we just need to add little amount of hot water or just reheat or follow the instructions and it'll be ready in 5 mins.
I personally don't like these.
No I don't. Ready to eat meal is always my last choice. I like to cook my own meal, it is not only naturally tasty but is also healthy. Home cooked food also saves you a lot of money
I don't like ready to eat meals. I don't like how they taste. I love making my own food, even if it means spending hours in the kitchen I wouldn't mind at all. So il pass on the ready to eat meals
Ready made foods generally aren't healthy, but I don't mind ramen noodles balanced with other stuff.
I am yet to try any of these but I guess Mccains are in this category too and they are way expensive LOL and if we can prepare fries at home then it won't even cost 10% of its price.
The only problem with ready-to-eat meals is the preservatives but some of the brands advertise that they don't add any preservatives but I don't think these are healthy but still not bad if you don't have any other option. And its better than getting food from restaurants.
I think we can add Mccains fries etc to this category too and they always advertise that they have some option to pack these fresh and don't add any preservatives so I guess its fit to consume.

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