How often do you have your haircut?


Forum Islander
Mar 3, 2023
Island Coins
When it comes to getting your haircut, how often do you usually visit the barbing saloon for those that cut their hair?

As for those that doesn't have their hair cut, how often do you visit the hair making saloon?
Every couple of months.
I can't keep my hair more than two week tops. If that happens, I will look like I have been in prison without looking after myself. Also, my hairs used to scratch me a lot once it grows more than two weeks.
Since the pandemic started and the hairdressers were closed for a while, my kids and I learned to cut our own hair because we could not use a hairdresser as we would. We managed to learn how to cut our own hair in a style we like so now I cut my son's and my daughter's hair once every few months or sooner if needed and my daughter cuts mine for me once every few months.