What are your thoughts on long distance relationship?

Ja Sa Bong

Apr 2, 2023
Island Coins
Do you think long distance relationship is workable? I don't see how it's going to survive because relationship needs both physical and emotional contact for it to work. You can't have one and expect the relationship to survive. One will end up cheating on the other when there's need to satisfy their sexual urges.

What's your thoughts on this?
Long distance never really worked for me. I was in two long distant relationships a few years ago where I had to drive 2 to 3 hours to see them and that was very tiresome. One was not willing to move to my town and I was not willing to move to her town, so we broke up. The second one was crazy and I had to fight like hell to get out of that relationship because she wouldn't leave my apartment. I had to cook up a story that I was moving in with my parents to get her to leave.
Well, I'm in one right now :P . Have been for nearly two years... but fortunately, she lives close enough to me that we can meet up once or twice a month.

I've tried being in relationships with no meeting up at all, and that just didn't work for me!

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