What is your favorite movie genre?


Forum Islander
Dec 10, 2024
Island Coins
We all have that movie genre we consider our favorites. There are persons who love comedy movies or series, I ment someone who prefers war movies and historical ones. I usually enjoy mixtures of different genres like a little romance, mixed with action or supernatural and the likes. I am also a fan of fantasy dramas. What's your favorite movie genre?
I like comedies and family dramas For example I thoroughly enjoyed Sound of Music and My Fair Lady I also like war movies. Who can forget the Great Escape. Not much of a horror movie fan but I have enjoyed movies produced by Alfred Hitchcock -
"Birds" come to mind
I have a preference for sci fi and fantasy films. I like them both for their action scenes, adventures and most of the time, the life lessons in them. I learnt from good movies like Christopher Nolan’s ‘Interstellar,’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ series.
I like historical movies, apart from entertainment factor, there is also so much to lean from these movies. I also like Avant Garde movies, these movies give fresh perspective.