One of my long life dream in this world is for me to be debt free. This is one of the biggest reasons why I have to work my ass off all the time in order to make more money to take care of all my responsibilities and pay off all my debt.
How far are coming up with paying off your debt for those that are not yet debt free?
Umm, the predominant financial system we all adhere to—is debt based.
Yeah i know how ironic that may seem, though it's what it is.
Unlike the oldskool gold backed currency systems usurped by the corporate empire, what we have now establishes a value retention of a $ as not being equated to something of tangible value—but of non-tangible non-value implied debt.
Basically every $ earned, is the same as accumulating debt tokens in exchange for one's own real-world value generation potential via tacit consent granted via contractual acquiescence.
Yeah i get how confusing this is.
It's designed this way specifically so we—the general corporate slave class—are kept ignorant.
Think about this; say you have 1 meelion physical dollar's piled up in a safe.
After say, 10years,...will that 1mil pile of cash still retain the exact same value associated with it 10years prior?
Additionally, do you own that physical cash?
Our fiat currency is in reality nothing but fancy monopoly money.
Gold backed currency was an exchange token equated with real-world tangible value.
Fiat debt "backed" currency has absolutely no real-world tangible value beyond whatever arbitrarily defined "value" bestowed upon it by unscrupulous corporate minions.
What effect upon the implied value representation of that hypothetical $1mil pile of cash if—for example— one day the corporate banksters suddenly declared total transition to a fictitious (*& equally valueless) carbon "debt" based non-physical digital "currency" and so effectively relegating fiat currency to obsolescence.
The effect on that $1mil cash pile would be very similar to what occurred to the formerly known Rhodesian currency subsequent to mass murdering Mugabe's globalist backed communist usurpation.
The tiny Rhodesian nation's currency was almost 1:1 on par with the 1960—70s USD,...but after the 1979 communist takeover and govt backed genocide of the former vibrant nations economic core–the farmers– very rapidly this newly renamed Zimbabwean currency practically lost all implied value retention.
At one point, a basic loaf of bread required a wheelbarrow piled with essentially monopoly money.