Death by fire or drowning?


Forum Islander
Mar 3, 2023
Island Coins
If you're left with the option of dying by getting burnt alive or drowning, which one would you like to have?

I have heard some fanatics that says death by fire is the purest death but I think that it's more painful. I would rather drown.
I have always had a fear of being in a house fire and not being able to make it out. The thought of burning to death and the pain is enough to scare anyone. If I had to choose between these two I would have to say drowning and the pain of burning alive I don't think I could handle.
Both would be a horrible way to go. I think suffocating would be less scary than getting burned alive. So I'll pick drowning.
Terrible choices, but given how long I have seen people live with life-ending burns, I would rather not go that route.
I'd go with drowning because it's faster and less painful. Unless you mean the smoke and not really the fire? If it's smoke, then it's probably about the same as drowning?

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