Do you know how to code?


Forum Islander
Feb 23, 2023
Island Coins
I dabbled in HTML & actually enjoyed doing it. However, there weren't any classes near me when I got stuck. Does anybody know of some good coding sites that would be beneficial for beginners that would also have good support for when I had questions? I studied it for a few years but some of the newer ones just go over my head.
Do you like coding? How did you learn it?
I have forgotten coding. Well, I took some courses on it in the 2000s with good grades, but it was so long ago. Anyway, the courses were in Java, C++, C #, and Visual Basic (it had some extension to this name). They were very challenging and interesting. The courses were all remote.
I tried to go into coding, but it seems coding didn't want me. I took basic programming language in college and that's when I knew I'm not cut out for coding. Lol

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