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Good Morning! Anybody else getting unseasonably warm temps in their area? Here in Michigan, USA, we were in the 70's & 80's this past week. Will drop down to the 40's & 50's next week but I took major advantage of it by being outside most of the day & getting a huge jump on outdoor chores.
Good Morning! Anybody else getting unseasonably warm temps in their area? Here in Michigan, USA, we were in the 70's & 80's this past week. Will drop down to the 40's & 50's next week but I took major advantage of it by being outside most of the day & getting a huge jump on outdoor chores.
It’s been pretty warm the last few days here too.
It’s been pretty warm the last few days here too.
Did it drop down in temps for you now as well?
I just want to stay in the cooler-ish temperatures!
Depends on what cooler-ish is. To me, cool is in the 70's lol
AGREED!!! haha
What is your optimal temperature you prefer?
I can't imagine living somewhere else though where it may have cooler temperatures. I love where I live mostly.
What's the coldest you can stand?
Did it drop down in temps for you now as well?

Depends on what cooler-ish is. To me, cool is in the 70's lol

What is your optimal temperature you prefer?

What's the coldest you can stand?
Yeah it cooled down again now here.

Me I like it around the 70s.

Hey all, hope everyone is doing well! I am ready for the weekend!
Good Morning! 2 more days left of April. For those in the "future", one more day left lol
Going to be a sunshiny day today although the temps are a bit on the chilly side.

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