How Do You Determine Number of Staff


Feb 23, 2023
Island Coins
Running a forum is a team work, you need staff. How do you determine how many staff do you need? When you start a forum, do you start alone and then gradually hire staff, or do you hire staff and then go on to create the forum?
I start out with just me, the sole staff member and admin.

Once I get around 10 members, I'll add a moderator.

After that, I don't add a new moderator until it gets too much for me and the other moderator.

And then repeat :D

On my 50,000-member FB group, we only have two admins and 3 moderators, and the group is extremely active, too!
Depends on the amount of Active members you have on the forum.

Sure, it depends on active members and activities you have on your forum but what do you consider the most appropriate staff to member ratio.
This place has 6 staff members, that is overkill as far as I'm concerned. The busiest forum that I was a part of was "Wicca's Cauldron" where we had over 80 members and had an admin, and a co-admin/head mod (me) and 1 other mod.

Newbies wanting to join can get turned off if they sense that a forum is being overmoderated, and may not either join or stay.
The ideal number of staff is elusive because it depends on too much factors.

For example, if its a forum that is concerned with roleplay, you would need more number of moderators than a general forum. Or, if its a service related forum like FI, they would require more staff members for services they offer.

The idea will be - add one member to staff when you know that its too much to handle