
Dec 8, 2024
Island Coins
My friend is losing her husband to Marijuana - a marriage of 24 years. She just does not know how he got into it and now it is too late. Marijuana has made him a different human being and he has now started befriending other women.

She has applied for mutual divorce and I hope she succeeds so that she can move on.

Marijuana is not legal in India.
I think the drug isn't for everybody. Some people don't do well with it, and it causes major problems, though, nothing life threatening. Well, I suppose it could be life-threatening if done behind the wheel, and there are laws against it, even where it is legal.
I tried it once and never again. It made me choke for a good five minutes.

No thanks!
I think the drug isn't for everybody. Some people don't do well with it, and it causes major problems, though, nothing life threatening. Well, I suppose it could be life-threatening if done behind the wheel, and there are laws against it, even where it is legal.
This guy was driving and yes he hit his car to a tree and injured his hand. He is now on a sling and the car has gone to the garage.

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