Should there be Christian indoctrination in public school?


Apr 2, 2023
Island Coins
I don't think there should be in the US due to separation of church and state. However, as a private thing at home, it could be very good. Anyway, I don't agree with this saying that taking God out of schools has ruined kids, but for sure, taking it out of the home may have. I mean, ultimately the parents raise kids. It's not the teacher's role and honesty it would be impossible anyhow.
That decision should be based on the discretion of school authorities. However, I don't think christian doctrines have any negative impact on the kids.
That decision should be based on the discretion of school authorities. However, I don't think christian doctrines have any negative impact on the kids.
I don't either, but I'm cynical about the idea that it magically makes kids good.
You teach science to kids and tell about big bang theory and then also read Bible and tell kids that Eve was made from Adam's rib. How can someone think these two different thin gs exist. I am against teaching any kind of religion in school, however, they can of course learn at home.
You teach science to kids and tell about big bang theory and then also read Bible and tell kids that Eve was made from Adam's rib. How can someone think these two different thin gs exist. I am against teaching any kind of religion in school, however, they can of course learn at home.
This will make separation between kids if for example some kids have other religion that christian and other christian from young age.

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