There was a time I went from one of his books to the other. I have read Pet Cemetary (much better than the movie), IT (definitely better than the TV and movie version), The Talisman (very strange and don't remember much about it), Four Past Midnight (The Langoliers is a MUST read, even though the TV show was horrible), Cujo (the movie did it justice), The Last Stand (defnitely better than the TV show) & The Green Mile (probably the only time the movie was just as good if not better - I still cry when I watch that thing). I mentioned The Green Mile last since it's probably my favorite of his. I still remember reading it and bawling like a dang baby at the end. The only other one that really stands out for me is one they haven't made into a movie, and I'm not sure why. Eye of the Dragon shocked me, since it's nothing like he's written before, and it was a really good story. They should make it into a movie.
I'm your biggest fan....Misery is one of my absolute favorite books. That movie scared me so much with how someone could hold another person hostage and pretend it was the right thing to do. I kept wondering about ways of escape, and King would even take my ideas later and prove me wrong. I love that.