What Are Your Plans for the Day?

My husband and I did a 3 mile hike at the park and then he came home and mowed the lawn before it started to rain. I made pepperoni pizzas for lunch and now we're just relaxing.
My allergies are SO bad today!! I don't plan on doing too much because it hurts to breathe.
Work until 6AM and then sleep lol. Although I do plan on getting a few articles written while at work, so there is that.
I'm heading out to church in a little bit. I forgot to look at the hymns we'll be singing, so I guess I should do that now before I leave.
Going to some stores but mainly seeing what garage sales will be out there this holiday weekend!
I don't have much plans for the day. I'm just going to play video games, post on forums and go out to drink in the evening.
Spending the day with my girlfriend.

We'll go out to eat, but I'm not sure what else we'll do. Might play some mini golf.

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