What's your favorite browser?


Forum Islander
Mar 3, 2023
Island Coins
What's the browser that you like using more than any other one out there?

It used to be Chrome for me until recently that I started making use of Microsoft Edge browser. It's such a wonderful browser. I have used Brave browser too and it's good.
What's the browser that you like using more than any other one out there?

It used to be Chrome for me until recently that I started making use of Microsoft Edge browser. It's such a wonderful browser. I have used Brave browser too and it's good.

I still make use of Google Chrome and have not taught about changing it because of the numerous benefits that come with using Google Chrome especially on my mobile device.
I've been using Opera since 2014. It's really good with extensions and is pretty speedy.
My favorite browser used to be Google Chrome but I found out that using Microsoft Edge enabled me to do more to be able to earn Microsoft Reward Points so I started using that. Unfortunately due to the hardware I have in my PC being quite old now, Edge started to give me issues. I moved to Opera GX around a month ago and have had no issues and find that it runs smoothly so I am sticking with Opera GX for now as my new favorite but I still have Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge installed as second browsers if needed.
I am a big fan of Safari, the browser for Apple devices. It is easy to use and is known for being energy-saving. Occasionally, I also use Google Chrome, but it does not work well with my laptop.
It have been me and Brave browser. I don't think there's any other browser that's going to give me peace of mind like Brave browser did. It's why I'm never going to stop using it.
Chrome chrome chrome! Nothing beats that for me. For those who prefer brave browser, really? Well, different strokes for different folks 🙂

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