Would you have Boycotted School?

Ja Sa Bong

Apr 2, 2023
Island Coins
I've heard some people arguing they would have gladly boycotted going to school if they had all the money they spent in their education at hand in one time. They would have used it to run a very good business.

If you had all the money you spent on your education at hand in one time, would you boycott school?
I never went to college. My ex wife went and she got into 25 thousand dollars worth of debt that we paid on for over a decade before our divorce. She went to college to for Medical Coding And Billing. Everyone told her that it was a good career and that hospitals were always hiring people for it. But in reality a lot of people would not hire her because she had no experience. It made me feel like all that time she put into it was a waste because all it did was cost us money and it never paid off for her.

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